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116 no eye camp in villaged add huinsirmour districth
monthly pension1
pension cheque hoshiarpur
computer centre srimuktsar sahib
eye camp no_109 at ropar villmalik puranandpur shaib
news picsroat govt school marauri
news pics sewing centeratbaddi
23 Nov Ajit Jalandhar
hoshiarpur pension to16 widows
Pension - Bhamipura
news105 they camp
Pics - Pension Chk given to blind girl
Pic - medical help cheque given to Sh.Subash Dutt for the treatment of his son
Pic - Medical help - Veeru Singh
dialy sisunitbaddi
world largest kathak danceorganisedby thenifaaincol
99 the ye camp
visit house srimuktsar sahib
Ram Kahlon Devi welfare
widow pension sangr
Pension Maqboolpura Amritsar
adopted 19studentsofs d model school patiala
pension kiratpur sahib srianadpur sahiband nangal
rok gemkaran tarantaran
winning 28Gold Medals,4Silver Medals,3Bronze Medals
given the financial help of Rs. 15000 to sh. Sham Lal
distributed pensions to widows and needy Ladies in Faridkot
Donated Comercial RO System to Govt. High School, Kot Mohamad Khan
Donated comercial RO System to Govt. High School, Vein Puin
Donated Comercial RO System to Govt. High School, Cheema Kalan
organised free eye check up & operation camp at Mari Mustafa
Faridkot Branch opened Stitching Centre in Village Chandbaza
donated Wheel Chair & Stature to Sirsa Jail
Ropar unit of sdbct celebrated birthday of shaheed e azam Bhagat singh
Gurunanak collegiate sen. sec. School for Girls
83 Eye Camp
Indian Basketball Players Association (IBPA) appointed
97th Eye camp at Gurudwara Shri Amargarh Sahib Ropar
organized 84th Free eye operation camp in Mata Naina Arya Dharamshala, Samana
opened Stitching Centre in Village Mahmuana
village Panjola seeing & computer centre
Shaurya Diwas at Kurukshetra University
Rustm e Hind Daanveer Samaj Sewak Award given to Dr. SP Singh Oberoi
meeting with the management of Pearls Public School
Meeting was held at Gurudwara Sahib South hall
Medical check up Camp at Ropar, Punjab
issued appointment letter to Mr. Iqbal Gajan
ISO certificates distributed to 21 trainees of Certificate
ISO certificates distributed to 15 trainees of Certificate
R.O.Water Cooler system in Govt. Girls S. S. School
R.O.Water Cooler system in Govt. Midle School, Naraingarh
inaugurated a computer centre in village Kheri Jattan in Sangrur
House will be made by Dr. SP Singh Oberoi
honours the teachers of Mansa village institutes
gave Financial help to Simranjeet Singh
gave cheque of Rs 7500.00 to Mr Kuldeep Singh
gave cheque of Rs 10,000- to Ms. Sukhpreet Kau
Shuriya divas
Products made by SDB sewing Center Students
Bhagat Baba Namdev Yatra
Play on Shaheed Bhagat Singh life
welcome by Italy Gatka federation
Rustm E Hind Award
RO School Jama Rai Distt. Tarantaran
RO Burj Rai Ka , Tarantaran
R O School Varnala
Milan Police Chief
financial help - Sandeep Singh
employment programs Ms Binu
Eye camp no.100 at Village Ghudda, Dist Bathinda
Tarantaran Sahib - New Member Ms Navjeet Kaur
Medical expenses - Birmati, Mahinder, Shiv Kumari
medical exp - Manjeet Kaur
Eye Camp no.87, organised at Mohali
98th free eye checkup & operation camp at Village Humbra, Dist Ludhiana
51 marriages - 1
Mr Hasija - Distt Jail Barnala
Gatka tournament arranged by Distt.Gatka Association Patiala
Pension cheques are distributed by Dr. Oberoi at Sangrur
Distributed cheques to 14 students of Gatka
Sanctioned Financial assistance of Rs 1000 pm to orphan Ms Neha
distributed sewing machines to 8 needy persons
Dr. SP Singh Oberoi gave Rs 10,300-
Dr. SP Singh Oberoi gave a cheque to Ms. Monia Bhardwaj
gave Financial help to Shri Naresh Thomas
gave Financial Aid to S. Kewal Singh, S. Davinder Singh & Ms Simmi
gave Financial Aid to Ms. Amarjeet Kaur
gave Financial Aid to Ms Rajpreet Kaur. Cheque collected
gave cheque of Rs 10,000- to Ms. Sukhpreet Kaur
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