Honoured Ceremony of 7th Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Wrestling Tournament held in Jalandhar. Players , Organizers & Personalities were honoured by the Dignitaries Sant Baba Dilawar Singh Ji, Padam Shree Kartar Singh Ji & Dr S P Singh Oberoi.
Honoured Ceremony of 7th Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Wrestling Tournament held in Jalandhar
Honoured Ceremony of 7th Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Wrestling Tournament held in Jalandhar
Honoured Ceremony of 7th Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Wrestling Tournament held in Jalandhar
Honoured Ceremony of 7th Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Wrestling Tournament held in Jalandhar
Honoured Ceremony of 7th Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Wrestling Tournament held in Jalandhar